November 2023 Student Employee of the Month

Here at Prescott College, we like to emphasize experiential learning, and one way that we do so is through student employment! We are excited to introduce a new feature called “Student Employee of the Month,” starting with Erin Stauffer, who has been working at the warehouse for the past few years.
Some of the kind words that Erin’s supervisor, Kathy Young, shared about Erin follows:
“Erin is an energetic, enthusiastic, eager worker. Responsible, respectful, resourceful, innovative, irresistible smile, and nurturing to students and staff.
Erin loves a good challenge and loves to learn new skills! Erin is creative and talented with the sewing machine. This year, she recycled our old tarps and made bags for our hiker’s medical kits. She also made a bag for her bike. She enjoys fixing gear in the work center. She loves organizing the warehouse gear and making things more user-friendly.
We are lucky to have her.”
Thank you, Erin, for all your hard work and for contributing to the Prescott College community! Congratulations on being the first November Student Employee of the Month!