Sustainability is in our DNA
It is not enough to prepare you for the future, we must prepare the world for the future too. That’s why at Prescott College, sustainability isn’t just another buzzword: it’s our call to action, our badge of honor, and our way of life. Born into our very DNA, we place the highest value on social and environmental justice. It’s up to all of us, students and staff alike, to pick up the mantle of stewardship, raise awareness, and take action. From curricula that trains us to be global citizens to campus buildings that are LEED certified, from faculty-led international disaster relief efforts to student-led events promoting local initiatives, we are proud to come together to lead the charge for a more sustainable future.
More Sustainability News
December 2024 Issue
Winners of the Sustainability Raffle!
Thanks to all who participated in the Student and Employee Sustainability Surveys! Your effort will help Prescott College earn a sustainability rating from AASHE STARS, to be announced by April–Earth Month 2025.
The winners of the raffle are…..
Student: Camilla McKenzie
Employee: Allison Doty
November 2024 Issue
Prescott College becomes a Certified Wildlife Habitat
Designated by the National Wildlife Federation, Prescott College has become a Certified Wildlife Habitat campus that celebrates our commitment to creating and maintaining a campus environment that supports local wildlife. Faculty Mariana Altrichter writes, “A wildlife-certified habitat is a yard or garden that provides food, water, shelter, and places to raise young for local wildlife. The National Wildlife Federation (NWF) grants certification to landscapes that meet its standards. The idea is simple: wildlife depends on plants to provide habitat elements, specifically the native plants that co-evolved in their ecosystem.
October 2024 Issue
We Want You! (Your leaves…)
It’s a lovely time of year to see our native Cottonwoods turning golden and for Ponderosa Pines to shed some needles, but we know not everyone likes leaves and pine straw scattered on their property. We can help! Have you recently raked your yard and bagged a bundle of leaves? Bring them to the Sustainability Center! Leaves are an important ingredient in the composting process, and we want to stock up before Winter arrives (yes… it is on its way, sure enough). If you have questions or wish to coordinate a dropoff, please email [email protected]!

Start Your Journey
We provide an education that spans areas of study and brings together knowledge from various fields.