Irene Espinosa
Areas of Study
Irene owes her fascination with seabirds to a few seasons spent doing fieldwork on Isla Isabel and Isla Guadalupe, Mexico. Her exposure to island ecosystems channeled her interest in biodiversity and propelled her to contribute to various research and conservation projects worldwide. Now as an Associate Faculty member of the Prescott College Environmental Studies and Sustainability Department, she offers field-based courses imparted at the Kino Bay Center grounded in experiential learning. She loves to foster analysis and wonder in students and is deeply grateful for the inspiration she draws from nature.
Irene is enthusiastic about natural history and is often found exploring the outdoors; when not out and about, she enjoys a good read, preparing food with friends, and spending time behind the camera.
Natural History, Seabird Ecology, Marine Biology, Behavioral Ecology, Biogeography, Field Methods, Conservation
Espinosa, I. & Cuthill, I. (2014) Disruptive coloration and perceptual grouping. Plos One 9 (1): e8715.
Velando, A., Torres, R. & Espinosa, I. (2005) Male coloration and chick condition in the blue-footed booby: a cross fostering experiment. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 58:175-180.