Margaret Tison
FACULTY (Environmental Studies & Sustainable Food Systems), Co-Director: Core Curriculum/General Education, On-Campus Director: Green Mountain Center for Sustainability at Prescott College (Wren Building) Based in Prescott, Arizona, Eleanor teaches & advises primarily undergraduates both on-campus and online in Environmental Studies & Sustainable Food Systems. A cultural/environmental anthropologist by training, Eleanor teaches courses or mentors student projects in agroecology, small-scale agriculture, community food systems, food justice, school gardens, and soil science. At the Prescott College campus, she supervises a work study Sustainability Crew of 14 undergraduates who actively lead and manage campus food system projects affiliated with the Green Mountain Center for Sustainability, including four Campus Food Gardens, the Campus Composting System, the GMC Free Store, seed saving & exchange projects, and free community meal events based out of the Center’s Wren Building. As Core Curriculum/General Education Co-Director with Professor Mark Dailey, Eleanor also coordinates Senior Projects through the COR 40005 Senior Project course required for all of Prescott College’s online & on-campus undergraduate students.