Marna Hauk, PhD
Capstone Mentor
Marna Hauk, PhD, directs programs and innovates learning and scholarship in regenerative futures, arts-based methods, climate justice, and leadership and imagination. For the past decade, she has directed the programs of the Institute for Earth Regenerative Studies (earthregenerative.org), leading social incubators and learning immersions at the convergence of eco-restoration, creativity, and the living wisdom traditions. Dr. Hauk is also a founding faculty of the doctoral program in Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership at Southwestern College and New Earth Institute. Dr. Hauk catalyzes graduate programs that are experientially immersive, creatively integrative, intellectually challenging, diversity-inclusive, research- and praxis-extensive, and skills-building for the Great Turning. She is a member of the Work That Reconnects Network and serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Sustainability Education and Artizein. Dr. Hauk co-edited two recent books: a practitioner volume on Community Climate Change Education: A Mosaic of Approaches (NAAEE & Cornell, 2017) as well as a scholarly compendium, Vibrant Voices: Women, Myth, and the Arts (Women and Myth, 2018), which was named the top 100 notable books in the field. A published poet and scholar with 130+ refereed publications and presentations, Dr. Hauk’s recent work has appeared in the Journal of Sustainability Education, the Australian Journal of Environmental Education, the International Environmental Review, Artizein, On Sustainability, Bumerang, Cornell Press, and Ecopsychology. She has presented internationally through peer-review selection, including at the International Symposium of Poetic Inquiry, the International Congress on Qualitative Inquiry, the Women’s Studies Association, The American Educational Research Association, and the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education. Dr. Hauk graduated with honors from Prescott College with a PhD in Education, with a focus on Sustainability Education. Her doctoral research leveraged biomimicry and regenerative design while interviewing founders of earth wisdom schools to develop educational approaches for ecosocial regenerative creativity and socially just innovation. www.linkedin.com/in/catalystnorthwest