Sheila Sanderson
Areas of Study
Sheila Sanderson teaches a variety of creative writing workshops and literature courses including Poetry Workshop, Memoir, Sense of Place, Nature’s Voice, Short Shorts: Adventures in Flash Prose, and Film & Literature: Elements of Desire. Her poetry and prose pieces have appeared in literary journals such as Alaska Quarterly Review, Arts & Letters, Nimrod, and North American Review. Her poetry collections Keeping Even and Ok by Me were published by Stephen F. Austin University Press/Texas A&M Consortium. She is a graduate of the MFA Program in Writing at University of California, Irvine. “Writers must always balance writing for themselves and writing for a more public audience. As a writing instructor, I endeavor create an atmosphere in which students might explore that balance. I encourage students to be creative writers and critical readers, to refine their work, and to seek avenues for publishing their work.” “My rural Kentucky background has given me a strong sense of place, community, and history, as well as a love for stories. Stories are why I tend to strike up conversations with strangers and travel to out-of-the-way places. I am at Prescott College because its philosophy validates my own process of learning and my style of teaching: here I am encouraged to experiment and to cross disciplines, but most importantly, to spend time really working with students.”