Tugce Kurtis
Tuğçe Kurtiş is an Associate Faculty in the Critical and Community Psychology MA program at Prescott College. She completed her PhD in Social Psychology and a graduate certificate in African Studies at the University of Kansas. Drawing upon perspectives in cultural, feminist, and critical psychologies and interdisciplinary discussions in decolonial studies and transnational feminisms, her research focuses on sociocultural constructions of subjectivity and relationality which she examines through joint processes of voice and silence at the interpersonal and collective level. Her main objective is to use psychological theory, pedagogy, and practice as resources for decolonizing knowledge production and articulating models that promote global social justice. Her intersectional feminist work considers possibilities for a decolonial intersectionality that can more adequately serve interests of the marginalized majority of humanity.
Culture and Psychology; Gender; Decolonial Perspectives; Self and Identity; Social Psychology; Social Justice; Interpersonal Relationships; Collective Well-Being
Perkins, K., Kurtiş, T., & Velazquez, L. (2022). Progress toward the sustainable development goals: Insights from the Global South. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 11(3), 197–205.
Warner, L., Kurtiş, T., & Adya, A. (2020). Navigating criticisms of intersectional approaches: Reclaiming intersectionality for global social justice and well-being. Women & Therapy, 43, 262-277
Salter, P. S., Kurtiş, T., & Adams, G. (2022). Psychology of racism. Invited chapter in R. Biswas-Diener (Ed.), Together: The science of social psychology. Noba Project.
Kurtiş, T., Ai, T. & Adams, G. (2021). A cultural psychology of friendship: Implications for decolonizing relationship. Invited chapter in T. Altmann (Ed.), Friendship in cultural and personality psychology: International Perspectives (pp. 19-34). New York: Nova Science Publishers.
Hansen, N., Kurtiş, T., Lensink, R. (Editors) (2022). Special Research Topic on New Advances in Addressing Gender Justice in the Global South: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, Frontiers in Psychology.
Kurtiş, T. (April, 2023). Thinking like a (cultural) psychologist: Context in mind, mind in context. Invited public lecture at Krea Psychology Talks, Krea University, India.