Prescott College > Student Life > On-Campus Undergraduate Orientation

On-Campus Undergraduate Orientation

An immersive and transformative journey.

We do Orientation Differently at Prescott College… 

At its heart, Orientation is about creating connections to community and place. It is designed to immerse you in PC’s experiential education model, foster foundational learning communities, and build your confidence in the skills you’ll use throughout your time here.  Orientation is the first four-week class that you take as an on-campus undergraduate student at Prescott College. For over 50 years, every incoming student has participated in Orientation (both first-time and transfer students), and it is a 4-credit course required for graduation.

Orientation Schedules

Additional Information

Photo of a pair of students in a tree

Wilderness Orientation

  • Wilderness Orientation is a three-week backpacking expedition in the remote desert mountains and canyons of Arizona
  • BEGINNER’S MINDSET approach to the curriculum – you don’t have to have any experience to be successful! 
  • Develop an immersive sense of place through backcountry travel and wilderness navigation, field study of natural and cultural history 
  • Build trust, confidence, and community in small-group living environments.
  • Wilderness Orientation satisfies the foundational field prerequisite that students will need for field-based courses

Check out our student created StoryMaps

Community-Based Orientation

  • Based in Prescott in a living/learning format (Cooking, working, living and learning together)
  • Our curriculum is an exploration of community through food justice and sustainable food systems.
  • Develop a rich sense of place and community.
  • You will engage in local field trips, stewardship responsibilities of the school gardens, basic outdoor skills curriculum, and leadership development.

This course does not meet field prerequisites. Students may have the option to take an additional course to fulfill the necessary prerequisite for field courses. Ask your Success Coach for more information or about accommodations.

Students coming together to prepare food

Check out our gear videos for more tips

Have questions? Reach out any time!

Cecil Goodman
Director of Orientation Adventure Education Faculty
[email protected]

[email protected]

Are you interested in being part of our community?

One thing we all have in common is our passion – passion for helping others, passion for the environment, passion for social justice and a passion for a different kind of learning experience.