Kendra Surmitis, PhD
Clinical Faculty
Areas of Study
Kendra A. Surmitis, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical mental health counselor as well as a Clinical Professor of Counseling at Prescott College. She maintains a private psychoanalysis and counseling practice, Carolina Counseling & Wellness, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she primarily focuses on self-authorship and psychoanalytic perspectives on women aspiring to grow their professional and academic success.
Self-authorship, psychoanalysis, counselor education, mindfulness, self injury
- Surmitis, K. A., Chambers, L., & Darby, T. (2023). A Tripartite Developmental Model for Counselor Social Justice Identity: Utilizing Student Mentorship, Advising, and Research. Presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference in Denver, CO
- Surmitis, K. A. (2023). The self-injury contagion: Applying a social justice framework to treatment. Invited speaking event at the Marquette University Counseling Psychology Virtual Colloquium in Milwaukee, WI
- Surmitis, K. A. & Pratt, K. (2023). Reimagining the dream: Ethical considerations for dream analysis in counseling. To be presented at the Law and Ethics in Counseling conference in New Orleans LA
- Surmitis, K.A. (2022). Good goodbyes: Preparing for termination and avoiding abandonment in the therapeutic relationship. Presented at the Law and Ethics in Counseling conference in New Orleans, LA
- Surmitis, K.A. (2022). Managing Countertransference in contemporary psychoanalytic counseling. Presented at the Law and Ethics in Counseling conference in New Orleans, LA
- Randall-Reyes, J., Surmitis, K. A., Carrillo, S. (2021). Virtual orientation & residency: Shifting due to COVID-19. Content and design implemented by Surmitis; Presented by Randall-Reyes at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision conference in Atlanta, GA.
- Stone, B. A. & Surmitis, K. A. (2018). Educator perceptions of student ownership and self-authorship. International Journal of the Whole Child, 3(2), 19 -24.
- Surmitis, K. A., Fox, J, & Gutierrez, D. (2018). Mindfulness and appropriation. Counseling & Values, 63, 4 – 16. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/cvj.12069