Prescott College > People > Antony Brown

Antony Brown

Director of Ecosa


Tony Brown’s dedication to issues of sustainability and ecological design developed after joining Paolo Soleri’s Cosanti Foundation in 1971 where he continued working for thirteen years on conceptual designs for a new vision of new urban settlements. He worked with Soleri as architect in residence at Arcosanti supervising design, construction, and working on many of Soleri’s exhibit drawings and models. His professional experience includes over 40 years working on sustainable architecture and urban design. He has taught sustainable design and planning at the college level and has lectured at universities around the United States, and at the Universidad del Diseno, Costa Rica, and Roma Tre, Italy. In 1996, he founded the Ecosa Institute in order to explore ways of bringing a new awareness of environmental issues to design education. As Director of the Ecosa Institute he continues to develop an innovative new approach to educating students and graduates in the importance of sustainability and design. He has attracted a number of leading architects, designers, scientists and writers to the Ecosa Institute to meet with students to present their philosophies and review student’s work. He has also developed support among the architectural and sustainable design communities for his work and innovative approach to education. Students come to the Ecosa Institute from around the U.S. and the world to supplement their design education. Throughout his career he has practiced architecture and promoted the concepts of sustainability. In 2005 he founded the Ecosa Design Studio as a continuing means of promoting sustainable design through client projects and to be able to offer Ecosa Institute alumni internship opportunities. Now part of Prescott College Tony is teaching classes in sustainable community development and design thinking. While a new studio is being constructed Ecosa is developing a longer term semester program to create a certificate program in regenerative ecological design. In addition to Arizona, Mr. Brown has worked as an architect in London, Boston and San Francisco, has been a magazine editor and written numerous articles for magazines for which he has won press club awards. He has received awards for his book illustrations including illustrations in “Nature Notes” and “The Ecology of the Grand Canyon” and founded an award winning graphic design company. He has been a Principal of Ecosa Design Studio, an adjunct faculty at the University of Northern Arizona, Adjunct Visiting Scholar in Architecture at Ball State University and faculty at the Frank Lloyd Wright school of architecture. He is currently the Director of Ecosa Prescott College.