Stacey L. Carrillo, PhD, NCC
Associate Dean for Counseling & Related Programs
Areas of Study
Dr. Stacey Carrillo has utilized her counseling background working in higher education for over 25 years. She has significant experience working at a university career counseling center that served a diverse student population and in a clinical training facility as a counselor and clinical supervisor. She has also utilized her counseling education working in human resources management with a focus on training and development, employee relations, and organizational change. As a faculty member she has helped students explore various social and cultural identities, and how these identities affect the therapeutic relationship, as well as helping students understand the intersection between career development and wellbeing. Stacey has spent almost half of her time in higher education as a program chair and assistant dean over graduate counseling programs, and as dean over all graduate studies at the College. She gains tremendous satisfaction from creating processes and procedures that provide stability and consistency so that faculty members can do what they do best; educate, create, and innovate! Areas of research interest are professional identity development, best practices with online and blended learning formats that enhance student experiences, and counselor self-care. She is an avid yoga practitioner and is a certified yoga instructor, and if not on the mat Stacey will be on a trail with her partner and dogs!
- Professional Identity Development
- Counselor Self-Care
- Mindfulness Practice in Counseling
- Career Developement & Counseling
- Creating Intentional & Meaningful Learning Environments
Carrillo, S. (2024, October). Counselor Education Post-Pandemic: Finding the Balance between In-Person and Online Training Related to Accessibility and Inclusivity (WACES) Conference. Tucson, AZ.
Prado, W., & Carrillo, S. (2022, March). Supporting Staff Resilience: Field of Counseling Lessons to Manage Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Burnout. Online Learning Consortium, Dallas, TX.
Randall Reyes, J., Surmitis, K., & Carrillo, S. (2021, October). Virtual Orientation & Residency: Shifting due to COVID-19. ACES Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Carrillo, S. (2020, November). Maintaining Your Uniqueness in the Quest for CACREP: One Counselor Education Program’s Story. WACES Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Carrillo, S., & Carlock-Russo, M. (2020, November). Using Art Therapy to Help Instill Self-Care Values in Counselors-in-Training. Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (WACES) Conference., Tucson, AZ.
Carrillo, S. (2018, November). Instilling a Self-Care Identity in Counselors-in-Training. Western Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (WACES) Conference. Santa Rosa, CA.