Student enrolled in Prescott's online psychology masters have the flexibility to get their graduate psychology degree where they want.
Prescott College > Areas of Study > Critical Psychology & Human Services

Critical Psychology & Human Services

Graduate Degree

The Master’s program in Critical Psychology & Human Services will no longer be offered at Prescott College.
We now offer our new Master of Arts in Critical and Community Psychology program.

Why this program?

At Prescott College, we do psychology a little differently. We believe in a value-laden approach to the psychological sciences guided by compassion, wisdom, justice, and a responsibility to support the flourishing of all beings. Critical psychology understands that human well-being is deeply interconnected with the worlds in which we live. Because of this, the MA in Critical Psychology and Human Services program intentionally takes a more “in the world” approach to supporting wellbeing through its attention to societal and structural factors and its integration of human services work.  

What can you do with this degree?

This program appeals to those looking to work in nonprofits, social service agencies, advocacy groups, educational institutions, etc. who are not seeking clinical/counseling licensure, and to those planning to pursue future doctoral work. Students completing this degree and 350 postgraduate hours of work in human services are eligible to seek certification as a Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP).

What will this program look like?

Critical Psychology & Human Services is one of the only programs of its kind. We examine critical theory, psychology, and social justice, as well as the historical, political, economic, and cultural underpinnings of mainstream psychology and its role in issues such as power, privilege, and oppression. We also examine the impacts that systemic pressures place on the individual and entire society alike. We learn to apply this critically-informed perspective when providing support in non-clinical settings.

Key courses include:

  • Critical Theoretical and Historical Foundations of Psychology
  • Concepts in Critical Psychology
  • Foundations of Human Services
  • Community Psychology
  • Liberation Psychology
  • Psychology of Culture and Diversity
  • Peace Psychology
  • Theories of Change
  • Critical Foundations of Research and Scholarship
  • Capstone

We are proud of our partnership with the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS). All Critical Psychology and Human Services students receive a one year student membership in NOHS when they enroll in the program.

Key Program Information

Number of Credits

Admissions & Apply

Careers & Opportunities

Career Pathways

Our graduates go on to fulfilling careers of leadership in their communities and beyond, where they can lead the way to lasting change. Some careers include:

  • Non-Profit Program Director
  • Program Development Associate/Director
  • Instructor/Lecturer in Psychology/Human Services
  • Human/Social/Family Services Worker/Director
  • Case Manager
  • Grant Writer
  • Non-Profit/Public Policy/Organizational Consultant
  • Advocacy Coordinator
  • Public Administrator
  • Community Development Manager
  • Community Outreach Specialist
  • Crisis Intervention Counselor
  • Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator
  • Trauma/Disaster Relief Worker/Director
  • Researcher/Data Analyst

Career Planning

Our Career Services team works with you to map out a plan that works for your goals and your life. There are many ways to get where you’re going, and we’ve seen it all!

Are you interested in being part of our community?

One thing we all have in common is our passion – passion for helping others, passion for the environment, passion for social justice and a passion for a different kind of learning experience.